Site Structure Analysis normally called as website optimization. Site structure analysis is first step in optimizing a site. This analysis is not about rebuilding your website or domain but it is to boost up your ranking through enhancing the nature of your site.
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SEO Strategies and Plan in 2014 – Know the Exact Action Plan
After so many changes in world of SEO, it’s very difficult to track what is still appropriate and what isn’t. SEO Strategies and Plan that SEO professional were using in year 2013 will not give the exact thing that they are looking for. SEO in 2014 almost changed because of important Google Update. The reason Why Google … Read more
Google+ adds page view counts to user profiles
Ever wonder how many times your shared Google+ content has been seen? Starting today you’ll see a new number on your Google+ profile or page: total content views. Google made an interesting update to Google plus. Every profile page now includes the total number of times the user’s content has been seen by others. This new … Read more
Happy Mother’s Day! Google UK Doodle celebrates Mother’s Day
Happy Mother’s Day! Google (UK) Doodle celebrates Mothering Sunday with image of cycling family.
How and Why to use Pinterest for Social Media Marketing ?
Few years back, I have created account on Pinterest and found that using Pinterest is very interesting and user-friendly. Pinterest is a pinboard-style photo-sharing website that allows users to create and manage theme-based image collections such as events, interests, and hobbies. Pinterest is very popular site mostly used by US and there are lots of … Read more
MattCutts: Basic criteria Google uses to determine paid link or not
Google head of search spam Matt Cutts released a video discussing the Google webspam team’s criteria for determining whether a link is considered a paid link or not.
Important SEO Browser Extensions and their Use
SEO Browser Extensions plays very important tool in managing your SEO Projects. There are many search engine optimization extensions are plugins available for various browsers like Chrome , Firefox and so on. I love Chrome browser because of it several good features. Here I am sharing few SEO extension few for Chrome and few for Firefox browser … Read more