Website Optimization and Site Structure Analysis Tools

Site Structure Analysis normally called as website optimization. Site structure analysis is first step in optimizing a site. This analysis is not about rebuilding your website or domain but it is to boost up your ranking through enhancing the nature of your site.

This analysis deals with the very best practices to improve your sites presence on search engines, that includes detailed keyword optimization, classification and tag cloud production, and PR methods to increase inbound links and enhance the keyword position in SERP. Websites optimization makes your content to optimize the display speed. Fast display is the most important secret for the success of any website. Due to this your website conversion, costs get decreased and increases consumer satisfaction. Website Optimization changes your pages to show accessible content faster.

The following steps are very important while analyzing a site:

  • Date of Construction
  • 404 Pages
  • PR Structure
  • Internal Hyperlinks
  • External Hyperlinks
  • Robots.txt file

To maximize the display speed of your site, you can use the following techniques:.

  • Reducing HTTP requests.
  • Enhancing and resizing images.
  • Converting JavaScript habits to CSS.
  • Using server-side sniffing.
  • Enhancing JavaScript for execution speed.
  • Converting table design to CSS design.
  • Replacing inline style with CSS policies.
  • Reducing the usage of JavaScript.
  • Avoiding Flash and make use of Slider of HTML5
  • Make use of Jpeg and Png format images at right place

Website Optimization integrates the disciplines of both online marketing and site performance which is needed to attain a competitive advantage. This kind of mostly seen in ecommerce sorts of website. I have been using the same tactics on few of my clients’s website.

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Here I am sharing few Site Structure Analysis Tools that might be helpful for your SEO projects:-

1. WooRank:- 

Site Structure Analysis tool WooRank

WooRank is a freemium tool that provides an “instant website review.” Without a premium account, you are only allowed to generate 1 free report per week, but you are able to view previously generated reports.

2. HubSpot’s Marketing Grader:- 

Site Structure Analysis tool hubspot

HubSpot’s Marketing Grader allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing by looking at many factors, including your website, social media activity, mobile responsiveness, blogging activity, email marketing, lead nurturing, and analytics.

3. DIYSEO SEO Report Card:- 


DIYSEO offers a free website grader that analyzes a site and presents its findings in an SEO report card.

Also Read: Outsource Internet Marketing Services – Why, When And How?

4. SiteTrail:- 

SiteTrail is a free all-in-one website analysis tool, and it does an excellent job aggregating information from various different data sources.

These tools I have been using from 3 years for my clients. Let me know which of these tools is your favorite and What other SEO analysis tools should everyone be using? I would love to hear from you in the comments. If you find this article hlepful then do share on social media profiles like Google plus and facebook for others.

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