Social Signals are a crucial factor in the growth of your Online Marketing whether you use Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or other social network. In this video Ali discusses how being active throughout Social Media can help drive more sees to you website.
I my opinion social signals have both a direct and indirect impact on organic search ranking. Direct impact comes from:.
- Number of individuals that like your brand on Facebook.
- Facebook shares.
- Twitter followers.
- Number of tweets discussing your company name or including a link to your website.
- Number of people who “have you in their circles” (Google+).
Indirect impact comes from:.
- Increased inbound links
- Increased positive feedback (in Google Local listing) due to satisfied consumers.
- Decreased bounce rate, greater time on site, and more repeat (returning)visitors to your website.
Also Read: Is your Social Media Really Social ?
Also Read: 10 Facebook Marketing Tips for Managing your Business Page
Image: MKH
For socializing your website you have to consider following points:
On Page:
- Share buttons (like, suggest, tweet, bookmark, and so on).
- Connect buttons (Like a Facebook page, Follow on Twitter, Follow on LinkedIn, and so on).
- A frequently updated blog
- Social badges and widgets
Off Page:
- Facebook page.
- Twitter account.
- LinkedIn company page.
- Pinterest account.
- Youtube account.
- Guest article.
- Other social media sites platforms.
You can share your content on Facebook, twitter and other social media profiles but Now a days Google plus is very important. Why I am saying this because it helps in various way:
- Ranking
- Web Traffic
- Connection of your web with Social site Google plus
- Hash Tag and Trending topics
- SERP also consists some Google plus content
Have a look at this Infograph explaining about How Social Signals Impact Search Engine ranking.